CPD BOOKSHELF THREE READS THAT WILL IMPROVE YOUR PRACTICE… Take Action on Distraction (Bloomsbury Education, £18) Loving Pedagogy Explained (Routledge, £14.44) 1001 Days: How Our First Years Shape Our Lifelong Health (Cornerstone Press, £22) Written by Professor Sam Wass and Dr Gemma Goldenberg, both experts in psychology and neuroscience, this accessible look at how attention works is packed with clear explanations, practical tips, and reflective questions to discuss with children and colleagues, all aimed at helping you improve focus and concentration and create a calmer, happier, and more effective learning environment. Visit bloomsbury.com Do we talk enough about love as it applies to education? Part of the Key Concepts in Early Childhood series, Loving Pedagogy Explained does exactly what the title promises, unpicking terms like advocacy, attachment, attunement, belonging, compassion, emotion coaching, empathy and empowerment, and setting out what a loving ethos can look like when applied to both our practice and policies. Visit routledge.com This new title from Sue Gerhardt, author of the critically acclaimed Why Love Matters , is another astonishingly powerful read for anyone with an interest in child development and wellbeing. Drawing on an incredible range of research, Gerhardt uses solid science to show what a profound impact early relationships can have on an individual’s later health outcomes; it’s eye-opening stuff. Visit penguin.co.uk NURSERY MANAGEMENT how you can communicate with existing, new and potential families. Ensure all new-starter families know when their child(ren) may start and are aware of Childcare Choices and government support to assist them to buy additional hours (Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit). Be aware that breakfast clubs may be changing how they operate or opening as early-adopter schools start. Ensure you know if there will be a new school-based nursery in your area, and the implications or opportunities. The autumn term The 30 hours entitlement for children aged nine- plus months will come into effect for working families, and you should now be benefiting from your earlier consultation and resource planning. It is never too late to make necessary changes informed by being on top of your facts and figures. To do that, your as-live monitoring of your predicted budget against actual will help you consider if, and how, entitlements have affected income (including charging) and expenditure and consider what changes may be required. The national average funding rates for 2026–2027 will also be announced. For more information, visit coramhempsalls.org.uk £47K Increase in nursery operating costs from April SOURCE: NDNA Teachearlyyears.com 65
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