
FREE outdoor resources To help support speech, language, and imagination through outdoor play, Outdoor Classrooms is offering a free resource pack to UK education settings . You can choose one beautiful resources pack, made from natural UK timber, from the following selection: Three Bears; Owl Family; Story Creation Counters. Each resource comes with activity ideas, written with teachers and play specialists. To get your pack, send a large envelope with a large letter stamp – addressed with your contact name; name of the education/childcare setting; address and post code – to Outdoor Classrooms Ltd, 3 Cromack View, Pudsey, LS28 7PX. This offer is subject to availability. Visit outdoorclassrooms.co.uk TEY’s look at the latest early years tools, toys, books and activities... Upgrade your website When it comes to nursery school website design, experience matters. Chaos Created has spent 15 years perfecting websites for early years settings, working with over half of Bristol’s maintained nursery schools. Its comprehensive approach combines professional, inclusive design, to reflect each setting’s personality and values, with practical functionality, and the company handles everything from hosting and security to content updates. Its websites are designed to be communication hubs and a valuable marketing resource – Hartcliffe Nursery School saw website traffic surge by 700% within a year of launch, demonstrating how an effective digital presence can transform engagement and reach new parents and carers. Visit chaoscreated.com/earlyyears or call 0117 332 1235. LEARNING THROUGH PLAY tickit® educational toys are designed and developed by the company’s in-house product team to support the curiosity approach, encourage child-led play, and allow little ones to enjoy developing their learning potential. Resources from the tickit range have been widely used and trusted by schools and nurseries around the world for over 20 years; it offers fantastic, open-ended educational tools for children to use independently or collaboratively to enhance and grow their natural capacity for learning. Available from all good educational suppliers. Contact hello@tickit.co.uk or visit tickit.co.uk to find out more. 56 Teachearlyyears.com